Silence and Sunshine
XU Mangyao
Famous Chinese Oil Painter
Former Dean of College of Fine Arts, Shanghai Normal University
October 2013
Cao Hui's oil paintings are elegant and exquisite, integrating Chinese and Western cultures with bright colors and beautiful forms. Dwelling on Cao Hui's works, you can feel the artist's sincerity, persistence and passion for art. In today's dynamic and evolving world of art, there are fewer and fewer painters who stick to the disciplined and realistic way of self-realization like him. I believe his success stems not only from his diligence and hard work, but also his considerable skills, firm beliefs and a rich inner world. A realistic painter has to endure the character test of loneliness, faith and hardship. The best realistic painting is not merely a simple imitation of nature, but a combination of mature skills and inner spirit. Only when the painter can draw upon a rich background humanitarian accomplishments can he incorporate his intentions with reality into his work. That is why realistic art holds an eternal charm.
Cao Hui remains obsessed with catching the rich and subtle shifts of light and shade, and endowing the object with a sense of tranquility and beauty. He passionately endeavors to capture the vibrant sunshine. It provides an image with positive and warm consolation as well as strong vitality. Meanwhile, it silently coveys a memorable respite for the impetuous, and often distressed minds of modern viewers. Perhaps that is why Cao Hui's works can quickly penetrate the viewers' souls.
Cao Hui has a keen interest in traditional Chinese culture. His realistic paintings evoke the beauty of traditional Chinese arts, especially in his large-scale still life paintings. The familiar ancient Chinese elements in his still life paintings reveal a strong nostalgic atmosphere; the women in his portraits convey the uniquely oriental qualities of grace and modesty; his landscape paintings stir feelings of extraordinary tranquility. Considering his various subject matter and achievements, Cao Hui is undoubtedly an excellent painter who has mastered an exceptionally broad range of oil painting skills.
Quite a few influential collections published in recent years have not dampened Cao Hui's ambitions. On the contrary, he has become even more rigorous and demanding of himself. He continues to study and improve his artistic visions by visiting museums around the world. Nowadays, his works are both rich and simple. With bright colors and highly dramatic effects, his works also include a graceful and poetic touch.
Working from dawn to dusk, Cao Hui regards his intensive painting process as an irreplaceable tempering and necessary cost to reach the highest expressions of art. In the constant pursuit of excellence, he indulges himself in the pleasant solitude of his painting hours. I am certainly not alone in my belief that Cao Hui will definitely have a very bright future indeed!
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