Images in the Shadow
Cao Hui's oil paintings are impressive, permeated with the perception of light. The application of light and shade is a distinguished feature of Western oil painting, and an important feature in depictingthe nature. It benefits such artists as Caravaggio, LaTour, Rembrandt and Monet, and endows theirworks with endless visual charm. Cao Hui has fully absorbed the essence ofthistechnique in creating an attractive imagery effect. In his still life paintings, the fruits present distinct shapes and seductive realism in the interweaving light and shade through the windows. The ingenious segmentation produced bythe light and shade also attachesan intriguing mysteryto hisimages. These mysterious light and shades frequently visit his landscape paintings.Each frame of ordinary scenery, under the guidance of the light, becomes meaningful.
Cao Hui's oil painting style is delicate and subtle, thanks to his keen and subtle observation. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in his early years, and his hard-earned solid styling ability has given him full play in the themes of portraits, landscape and still life. His portraits are rigorously and elaborately constructed. Maneuvering the sifting tonality, especially the changes in the interface of light and shade, he is able to shape the space and create a moving visual effect.
Cao Hui's artistic expression is profound and subtle. He seeks harmony and serenity in different light and tones. He also strives to capture subtle changes in color in a highly realistic way. His brushes are accurate, and the texture of his oil painting wasfull of ease and tension. Itimbues his oil paintingswith elegance and grace, which in turn reveals his personality.
Professor YANG Canjun
Ph.D. Supervisor, Dean of School of Painting Art, China Academy of Art
Chairman of Zhejiang Oil Painters Association
April 1st, 2019
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